CeraCare Reviews – Is This Type 2 Diabetes Medicine Worth It?

In today’s society, a growing number of the population seem to find themselves unable to achieve health and wellness. Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and chronic pain are now becoming more and more common, not just to the elderly and adults, but also children. Among the different causes one that was recently discovered is the presence of foreign invaders in the body. Speaking of foreign invaders, this is where it is imperative that we introduce CeraCare.

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Based on the descriptions provided, the creators of Cera Care were successful in identifying a particular type of foreign invader/molecule that prevents the pancreas from releasing insulin essential for cellular rejuvenation. What might this be and in what ways has it triggered problems? The purpose of this review is to share all findings related to CeraCare:

What is CeraCare?

Cera Care is a blood sugar support supplement that aims to increase cardiovascular health and maintain healthy glucose metabolism. Conceptualized and executed by trio Christine, Dr. Jihn and medical researcher Michael, CeraCare can naturally improve other areas of health as well, which is what makes it quite intriguing.

At the time of writing, this solution was advertised as being ideal for those who fall under the category of “blood sugar levels already in a normal range,” however, it can improve cases of severity as well (but maybe not to the same extent). Why is this the case? Well, when it came to finalizing the Cera Care formula, the team affirms that it satisfies three key points. Specifically:

It had to work on all cases of type 2 diabetes, regardless of whether the diagnosis was decades ago, a recent discovery or of varying severity levels:

  • It had to deliver results within 180 days
  • It had to be backed up by scientific studies
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How does Cera Care work?

CeraCare aims to eliminate the root cause of type 2 diabetes. While physicians tend to suggest that the likely causes range from age, and genetics to diet choices, the creators of Cera Care affirm that there’s more to the story. Explicitly, they referenced a recent study conducted by Newcastle University, which led to the findings of a tiny lipid molecule.

As shared in a presentation, this respective lipid molecule, also known as ceramide, should be held responsible for the disruption it causes in fat cells. In particular, it allegedly “forces toxic fat cells to stream into your blood.” From there, it attaches itself to the pancreas, liver and heart – deteriorating them and negatively impacting arteries. Why is this problematic? Well, the pancreas is the organ that produces the insulin hormone.

Unfortunately, when the pancreas remains clogged up, it cannot effectively secrete insulin. As a consequence, cells will not be advised that their required fuels are ready to be absorbed and instead, they end up in the bloodstream. The latter is what allegedly heightened blood sugar readings.

All things considered; CeraCare is believed to flush out foreign compounds like ceramide so that bodily organs can function as required, and keep the body running smoothly. Normally, weight loss is trusted to flush such components out, but the difference might be minimal in some cases over others.

What’s insideCera Care?

The Cera Care formula is founded on a traditional Tibetan tea, which combines roots, barks, leaves and berries. This approach will prevent fat from entering the bloodstream and clogging up the arteries, while eliminating ceramide altogether, repairing DNA damage and fighting off inflammation.

For those of you who are curious to know what constitutes this “miracle” formula, the first ingredient is yarrow flower, which as per the presentation, is “fortified with a few vitamins and minerals, [and] is so powerful that it has the capacity to target and flush out the dangerous ceramide compound.” Following suit is a bitter melonjuniper berries, and banaba leaf combination, where the trio is trusted to “melt the nasty white fat deposits by attacking and dissolving deadly fat cells that sit around [the] pancreas and belly.”

Finally, the Tibetan practice requires licorice and white mulberry because the duo is said to carry the potential to “create a potent catalytic effect that melts away fat.” In further examining the supplement’s facts, each serving also includes vitamin C (50mg), vitamin E (15mg), biotin (300mcg), magnesium (125mg), zinc (7.5mg), manganese (1mg), chromium (76mcg), vanadium (200mcg), guggulcinnamongymnemaalpha lipoic acidl-taurine, and cayenne.

cera care ingredients


What does science suggest about the Cera Care formula?

The following ingredients makes up the CeraCare proprietary blend, amounting to a total of 415mg per serving:

Yarrow Flower

Yarrow is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. A 2014 study that investigated the effect of yarrow as a hypoglycemic agent on Wistar rats concluded that it is beneficial because of its protective properties. Similarly, a 2018 study that assessed yarrow’s anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties confirmed that the flowering plant can regulate blood sugar levels and that much of it actually has to do with its hypoglycemic role. That said, nowhere is the direct effect of yarrow on ceramide mentioned nor proven to hold true.

Bitter Melon

Bitter melon (aka bitter gourd, Momordica charantia) is a tropical vine, or cousin in some ways to vegetables like zucchinis and cucumbers. This is traditionally consumed by Asians and Indians and remains a staple in their cuisine. In fact, it is recommended by Ayurveda practitioners who insist that drinking bitter melon water can help regulate blood sugar levels.

After further researching this ingredient, a 2013 study did mention that the vine possesses anti-diabetic and hypoglycemic effects. Unfortunately, sound conclusions cannot be made due to the deficiency in clinical trials on human subjects. A 2015 review that looked at the role of bitter melon supplementation in obesity and related complications also argued that it did carry antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities through in vivo and in vitro experiments. The authors noted that scientific evaluation insists that bitter melon does show “potential therapeutic benefit in diabetes and obesity related metabolic dysfunction,” adding that it might have to do with the ability to trigger lipid and fat-metabolization.

Juniper Berries

Juniper berries resemble blueberries but are slightly bigger in size. In regard to the aforementioned claims on its potential to melt fat deposits, no scientific evidence is available. That said, it might be able to lower blood sugar levels, writes WebMD. The cold truth, however, is that in certain cases, junipers might worsen the state that organs are in.

Interestingly, a 1994 study suggested that juniper berries carry hypoglycemic activity and was found to have decreased “glycemic levels in normoglycemic rats at a dose of 250mg/kg.” The researchers also noted that within 24 days, there was a “significant reduction both in blood glucose levels and in the mortality index, as well as the prevention of the loss of body weight.”

In spite of their findings, two things need to be mentioned. First, subjects in this study were animals not humans, and second, Cera Care is highly unlikely to house 250mg of juniper berries per serving, as the proprietary blend alone amounts to 415mg.

Banaba Leaf

According to HealthLine, banaba leaves have been traditionally used in folk medicine to treat diabetes. Aside from that, it also is believed to carry antioxidants, anti-obesity effects and might help to lower cholesterol levels. In a piece compiled by New Hope, it was reasoned that banaba might be beneficial because of the presence of Corosolic acid and other compounds that act like insulin.

Among the several animal studies existing, this respective ingredient is said to have “resulted in reduced weight gain, reduced triglyceride accumulation and reduced adipose/ fatty tissues with no changes in diet.” Thankfully, this to some extent agrees with what’s been shared by the CeraCare team.


Licorice is proclaimed as a medicinal plant that is widely known for its source of glycyrrhetinic acid – a compound responsible for sodium retention and hypertension. We recently came across a 2003 study that investigated the effect of licorice on body fat mass. The method involved administering 3.5g a day for two months on subjects in their early to mid-twenties. In the end, it was shown that licorice can reduce body fat mass without changing BMI. The researchers believe that such results were attainable because licorice might be able to “reduce fat by inhibiting 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type 1 at the level of fat cells.”

White Mulberry

White mulberry, like many of the ingredients found in this formula, has been traditionally used to treat blood sugar discrepancies, and fluctuating cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels. As suggested in a 2007 study that explored the effect of white mulberry extract on blood sugar, it can in fact prevent increases within a 2-hour time frame. In terms of its relationship with fat deposits, researchers of a 2013 study shared that mulberry leaf extract can “ameliorate obesity and obesity-related metabolic stressors,” adding that it can “be used as a means to prevent and/or treat obesity.”

To our surprise, the creators of Cera Care failed to give their reasonings as to why guggul, cinnamon, gymnema, alpha lipoic acid, l-taurine and cayenne made the cut. Hence, we decided to assess to what extent they might support healthy blood sugar levels instead, as CeraCare to a large extent aims to support healthy glucose metabolism. Below is a summary of what we managed to find:


Guggul is a flowering plant belonging to the Burseraceae family and is dominantly found. Its gum resin is supposedly a vital component in Vedic medicine to treat fluctuating blood sugar levels, atherosclerosis, arthritis, lowering cholesterol and weight loss among others. However, research compiled by HealthLine suggests that very little is available to make sound conclusions on its effects.


A spice that can be added into any dish, cinnamon is arguably an ingredient that should not be taken lightly, that is, based on the research summarized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). To be more precise, they insist that cinnamon can improve blood glucose levels, and reduce triglycerides and cholesterol to healthy levels.

The latter results are based on the findings of a study consisting of 60 people (30 men and 30 women) with type 2 diabetes between the ages of 46 and roughly 58. In the end, the researchers found that all three levels of cinnamon (1g, 3g, and 6g) significantly reduced the mean fasting serum glucose, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. No differences were reported for the placebo group.


Like bitter melon, gymnema sylvestre is a tropical vine, but the difference is, it is native to China, Africa, Australia and the Arabian Peninsula. Fascinatingly, this ingredient is also a staple in traditional Chinese, Japanese and Indian medicines. According to a 2007 review on gymnema sylvestre, there might be a “possible linkage” between obesity, diabetes and gymnemic acids. In particular, it was noted that gymnemic acids can “curb the binding of carbohydrates to the receptors in the intestine and hence, the “empty calories” are taken care of so that the body does not go into obese stage.”

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a type of antioxidant that has been tasked with supervising energy production on a cellular level. As per a 1997 study, ALA can augment insulin-stimulated glucose transport and both non-oxidative and oxidative glucose metabolism. However, no significant evidence was found to suggest that ALA has an impact on free fatty acids. The fact that it can increase insulin implies that cells are likely getting the glucose they require.


L-taurine is an amino acid that might be able to improve blood vessel function, insulin secretion and lower blood pressure levels. HealthLine also reported that this ingredient might be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes, as it can reduce blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. It was further reasoned that a deficiency in taurine has been witnessed among people with diabetes.


The first thing that is surely to come to one’s mind regarding cayenne is its heat (thanks to a compound called capsaicin). Normally, such a component induces thermogenic effects, which plays a significant role in igniting body temperature for fat burning purposes. In terms of the results found through a 2017 study, the spice factor of capsaicin is the core element that determines the extent to which a decrease in blood sugar levels is likely to occur.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who does CeraCare support?

Cera Care has been formulated to support people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, struggle to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and have undergone related symptoms such as uncontrollable cravings for carbs and sweets, increased thirst and weight, and exhaustion among others.

Does age matter when taking Cera Care?

No, it turns out that no matter if consumers are 30, 50, 70 or even 80 years of age, CeraCare can support them. The same is applicable to factors such as gender and the length of time one was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes.

How should CeraCare be incorporated from day-to-day?

It has been recommended to take one capsule a day with a meal first thing in the morning. Ideally, each ingestion should be paired with a full glass of water as well.

Is Cera Care generally safe to consume?

CeraCare comes across as a generally safe supplement because it is a 100% all-natural solution. It is important to mention that “thousands of people enjoyed taking Cera Care every day,” further noting that no one complained about side effects so far. As for manufacturing aspects, each batch was completed in the U.S., in a state-of-the-art FDA approved and GMP certified facility. Finally, each capsule is 100% vegetarian and non-GMO.

Interestingly, a sample of 150 men and women were also administered CeraCare for 180 days. The average age ranged from 24 to 87 years old, all of whom came from unique works of life (i.e., different levels of type 2 diabetes, and a few cases of advanced diabetes). In the end, improvements were reported in their blood sugar levels, organs function and weight management (average weight loss of 22lbs in the first six weeks). For the few cases comprising of advanced diabetes, the only improvement witnessed was normal blood sugar levels.

Having said all that, anyone with pre-existing conditions that require medication are advised to seek a professional’s opinion prior to giving Cera Care a try. This is recommended to avoid any possible medications interaction that may/may not arise.

What results can be anticipated from taking CeraCare?

According to the claims made, CeraCare can possibly play a role in regulating or better yet reversing type 2 diabetes, while ensuring that one’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels are in check. Moreover, this formula might even go as far as improving eyesight and heart health, increasing one’s metabolism, curbing cravings, and may elicit a rejuvenating effect.

Is Cera Care protected by a money-back guarantee?

Yes, Cera Care has been protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Details regarding the refund processes and requests can be retrieved by contacting customer service at support@CeraCare.us.

How much does CeraCare cost?

CeraCare is accessible at the following price options:

International orders will be subjected to a shipping fee of $15.95. Speaking of shipping, the average arrival time for domestic orders is anywhere between five and seven business days, while international orders will require roughly 10 to 15 business days.

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Final Verdict

Ultimately, Cera Care is a dietary supplement that regulates blood sugar and other areas of health by eliminating ceramide. This component is deemed the barrier that prevents insulin secretion and instead, forces fat down the bloodstream. While the theory appears to carry some truth, the chosen ingredients in no way eliminate ceramide in the body. This is not to say that they have no influence on blood sugar levels, but that the claims made by Christine, Dr. Jihn and Michael have very little substance in regard to how the supplement works.

Our research suggests that some evidence does exist on the effects that certain natural ingredients have on factors including fat storage, insulin resistance, obesity and some reference to fat burning. However, many of the studies are only based on animals, hence, warranting further investigation. In cases where valid evidence is available, the doses per serving were relatively high per ingredient. Unfortunately, each CeraCare serving only contains 415mg of the proprietary blend, which is quite low. Bearing that in mind, it is very skeptical to think that even people with advanced diabetes might see a positive difference.

When analyzing different levels of diabetes, some conflict exists. To be more specific, the creators insist that people of all type 2 diabetes can benefit from Cera Care, however the label reads that this solution is only apt for blood sugar levels already in the normal ranges. To add to this confusion, no background information is available on the company that brought this solution to life. Due to these reasons, it seems unjust to pay the listed prices. All-in-all, consumers are highly recommended to do their due diligence and to contact customer service on all of the above-mentioned gray areas. For further details on CeraCare, visit here>>>

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